Earn Bitcoins By Playing Games: FaucetGame

Earn Bitcoins By Playing Games

Earn bitcoin faster with this bitcoin game, it's easy to play and you don't have to make any deposit with them, please note that this is a gambling games & it's not suitable for everyone.

There are 6 games available to play:
  1. Roulette
  2. Blackjack
  3. Falling Fortune
  4. Roll of Chance
  5. Wheel of Wealth
  6. Slot Machine
Other interesting features you might want to know:

Player Level
You start from level 1, your bet amount is limited to 1 bits only, I know it's hard at first but as you play your game daily, you can afford an upgrade, the higher your level the higher amount you can bet.

If you suddenly make a big win, you can withdraw it directly to your wallet, minimum withdraw is 100k bits. Don't have a wallet yet? Check here to see my recommended bitcoin wallet to use.

Daily Bonus
Whether you're losing or winning you will get a free daily bonus, the calculation is (your current level * 300 bits), all you have to do is play blackjack 20 times, falling fortune 40 times, roll of chance 40 times, wheel of wealth 50 times and slot machine 60 times.

If you want to claim only daily bonus, you can set your bet to lowest amount (which is 1 obviously), then start playing one by one, that's it.

If you have some spare time and want to earn more bitcoins, you can do additional task, such as: completing offer, clicking/visiting ads, etc. Note that you can get a nice amount of bitcoins if you complete an offer/survey.

Chat & Rain Pool
You won't feel alone while playing games, there is a chat system so you can talk with the others, you can also see if someone is getting a jackpot, win big and so on. Note that every message you send deducts 100 credits from your balance and add it to rain pool.

Rain pool is to rain 50 active player on chat with random amount of bitcoins, just like a lottery ticket, but I can guarantee that most of time you will also get your credit back, sometimes i get 200 up to 2500 bits everytime a rain pool started. Rain pool reset every hour.

Visit link below if you want to play:

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